viernes, 8 de julio de 2011


Como comentó Nayla en la entrada anterior, el make-up
es el Lunes 11/07 a las 8.10Hs.

domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

Noticias sobre el make-up exam

Chicos: La Prof. Tuero mañana NO va a tomar el exámen. NO hay recuperatorio
hasta que se levante la toma. Ella está esperando a recibir información
del Decanato para saber que hacer, asique estén atentos a los comunicados
para ver que pasa.

(Fuente: Liliana Recayte)


viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Exámen Recuperatorio

Por ahora no se sabe que va a suceder con la facu
la semana próxima. El mensaje de L. Recayte es el
el Domingo A MEDIA TARDE, ya que S. Tuero va a
informar que decide hacer con el exámen según la
situación de la universidad.
Estén atentos y pasen la info a los compañeros.

martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Infromación sobre los días de toma

Este Jueves 30 Recayte estará en la biblioteca parlante o en Roca Café
para aquellos alumnos que quieran preguntarle sobre el exámen recuperatorio.
Por lo tanto desde las 12.00 hasta las 14.00hs estará a disposición de los alumnos.
Si no la encuentran en ninguno de los dos lugares, pregunten en Carpe Diem
porque va a dejar una nota allí sobre el punto de encuentro alternativo
(de todas maneras esto de Carpe Diem es en el peor de los casos).
Aparentemente la toma se levanta el mismo Jueves a las 16.00hs.
Muchas gracias.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Group "Pa's Darling" - Handout + Keys

Hi People! You can download the handout on "Pa's Darling". You'll find two links: the first one is to download the handout activities, the second to download the keys.



So, I think all handouts were already uploaded. I hope this blog was useful for you.
See you.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Next and last assignment for LR

Write a comparison / contrast essay on ONE of the following topics:

>>Being in a relationship / being married

>>Oral exams / written exams

The deadline is Thursday 9th by mail or on paper, 12 midday. Thank you.


martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Group "The Fun They had" - New Handout

Hi People, you can download the new handout of "The Fun They Had".

IMPORTANT: This handout is the one that will be included in the mid term exam 2. There are some key differences with the earlier version the group handed in a couple of weeks ago. This copy will also be available at xerox room.

Thank you!!!
See you!!

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Group "The Veldt" - Activities

This is the link to the activities the group provided last Thursday. Next groups are welcome to send the activities by e-mail ( so that I can upload the file here.

Thank you very much.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Message from Liliana Recayte

Here is the information for our next classes:

Tuesday noon: Deadline for “conclusion” of outlined essay What are the effects of feeling fear? You may write the introduction, and you have to write the outline of the Body paragraphs. I’m going to focus on and correct the conclusion according to this checklist:

  1. Acknowledge the problem
  2. enlarge: how serious the problem is
  3. describe effect one
  4. describe effect two ( or you can explain them both in one sentence) Challenge: you cannot repeat the original wording of your explanation in the Body Pars.
  5. Challenge: do not conclude this paragraph with a suggestion.

Short story schedule:

The fun they had 19/05/2011 Group: Analía, Belén, Camila, Leandro, Luciana, Melisa and Rosa.

Balto 26/05/2011 Group: Matias B, Martín Z, Mario P, Sebastian M, Leonardo Fernández; Constanza R, Cecilia M, Melisa G, Eliana B, Amancay L, Mara Arias, Fruttero, Escobar, Figueroa, Aguilar,

Pa’s Darling 02/06/2011 Group: ML (?), Cecilia, Larragneguy, Ferreiro, Lazarte, Campigotto,

As the groups are big in number, you can use the Chatbox and let your partners know who is working with each short story (e.g., Student´s name = Balto). This information is going to be included in the above schedule as soon as you complete the chatbox.

Remember that short story analysis and exercises should not take longer than 40 minutes, remember that 19th I have final exams and I may be late to class – this is to be confirmed on the previous Tuesday.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Activity on vocabulary - The Joy Luck Club

Hi people!!! Click on the following link to download what we've working with on Thursday, 28th.

(If this link does not work, try the following)

See you!!! The best for all of you tomorrow!!!

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Some insight on the English language

Hi students, tomorrow we'll have a varied range of activities. First we'll analyse what you have written: bring your texts. Then we'll read theory on paragraph writing, the thesis statement and about criteria for correction. I'll give you some handouts with language theory, and lastly, we'll talk about "Euphemia". If there is time for writing you'll be asked to write a cause-effect paragraph on "Euphemia". Before you come to class see if you can buy the handouts at our copy office downstairs or at CD.
Here I'll post an article on the English language.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Reminder + some activities (Recayte's session)

Hello Everybody!!! As you may have noticed, Sofía has left at Carpe-Diem the copy including the improved version of the 2 paragraphs we worked with today. You will be able to find a copy of the paragraphs on this blog pretty soon. We will also post the instructions to download the file, so don´t worry about it. Remember to produce the 2º body paragraph and the conlcuding par. in order to hand them in at noon on Tuesday, 22nd.

For next class: * Read theory on Thesis Statement.
* Read True Women (from page 1 to 80) + Solve guides 1 and 2.

You can also consult the schedule for detailed info. If you have any question, just let us know.

Have a nice weekend!!!

Hola a Tod@s!!!

Este es un blog que ha sido creado con el objetivo de facilitar la comunicación entre los estudiantes y los profesores de la cátedra. Aquí los profesores podrán crear entradas informando a los estudiantes sobre cualquier tipo de cambio o nueva información. En otras palabras, este blog cumple la función de una cartelera virtual. También posibilita a los estudiantes postear preguntas o comentarios dentro de las entradas creadas por los profesores. Otra herramienta muy útil es el ChatBox a la derecha de la página, lo que permite tener una comunicación instantanea entre los alumnos y profesores sobre temas diferentes tratados en las entradas. En ella se podrá escribir un mensaje corto pero efectivo.

Esperamos este sea un medio que nos ayude a estar en contacto sin importar la situación en la que nos encontremos.

Equipo docente